CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices for developers and designers. (Part I)

In today's world, the internet plays an essential role in everyone's life. It is necessary to ensure that websites and web applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. CSS and JavaScript are two critical tools that can be used to create accessible web content. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices for using CSS and JavaScript to create accessible web content.

CSS Accessibility Best Practices:

  1. Use a high-contrast colour scheme: Use colours that provide a high level of contrast between the text and the background. This helps users with low vision to read the content easily. If you are not sure you have the right amount of contrast, TYNGE has got your back, check your colour contrast with our Colour Contrast Tool.

  2. Ensure keyboard accessibility: Make sure that all content can be accessed using only the keyboard, as many users with disabilities may not be able to use a mouse.

  3. Make use of semantic HTML: Using semantic HTML helps screen readers interpret the content correctly to visually impaired users.

  4. Use proper font sizes: Use a minimum font size of 16px or higher to ensure readability for users with low vision. For desktop and laptop screens, a font size between 14 and 18 pixels is usually considered optimal for readability. This size is large enough to be legible without being too overwhelming on larger screens. However, for smaller screens like mobile devices, a font size between 16 and 22 pixels may be more suitable to ensure readability.

  5. Use proper font styling: In addition to using proper font size, it is equally important to consider font type, line spacing, and contrast as they also play crucial roles.

JavaScript Accessibility Best Practices:

  1. Use ARIA attributes: Using ARIA attributes to describe the purpose and state of an element would help assistive technology better understand the contents and context of your site.

  2. Ensure the site is usable without JavaScript: Make sure that the site can be navigated and used without JavaScript enabled, as some users may not be able to use JavaScript. If you are building with frameworks like ReactJs which is powered by javascript, it is worth mentioning that sub-frameworks like Next.js / Gatby also provides support for static site generation (SSG) which means your sites could still run without javascript after build,

  3. Use clear error messages: Using clear and concise error messages is also a great way to improve accessibility and help users understand what went wrong and possibly how to fix it.

In conclusion, accessibility is essential when designing and developing websites and web applications. By following these best practices for CSS and JavaScript, you can ensure that your web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Remember that accessibility is an ongoing process, and it is essential to regularly review and update your website's accessibility to ensure that it remains usable for all.
